6 best Captcha Plugins for Wordpress

6 best Captcha Plugins for Wordpress
The usefulness of using Captcha on your site is so to speak. Most important some reason stands for your website’s security. Like-
  • Preventing spam bots (The bots what leaves/posts spam links as a comment or message automatically)
  • It does brute force protection (Login, account hacks)
  • Preventing Harmful data collector bots (Those automated programs collecting certain types of sensitive information, like-email, password)
  • Cookie base bots (Bots what examine cookies for their good, like-advertise serve)
  • Prevents DDOS attacks (The bots what assist with massive downloading of content from multimedia websites, and make server down)
And so on.

And if you use Wordpress you can get rid of these security problems with just installing a Captcha plugin. There are a lot’s of Captcha plugin you may find in wordpress plugin depositary. But I did some check and writing here 6 best Captcha plugin for wordpress based on there popularity, styling over all worth to have performance. So read on-

6 best Captcha Plugins for Wordpress

Adds CAPTCHA anti-spam methods to WordPress forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all. In order to post comments or register, users will have to type in the code shown on the image.
  • Configure from Admin panel
  • Valid HTML
  • Section 508 and WAI Accessibility Validation.
  • Allows Trackbacks and Pingbacks.
  • Setting to hide the Captcha from logged in users and or admins
  • Setting to show the Captcha on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all.
  • 18+ language translation

The Captcha plugin allows you to implement a super security captcha form into web forms. It protects your website from spam by means of math logic, easily understood by human beings.
  • Three basic maths actions - add, subtract and multiply.
  • This captcha can be used for login, registration, password recovery, comments forms.
  • There is also a premium version of the plugin, allowing compatibility with BuddyPress (Registration form, Comments form, "Create a Group" form and Contact Form 7
  • 40+ language translation

reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects your site against spam, malicious registrations and other forms of attacks where computers try to disguise themselves as a human.
  • reCAPTCHA comes in the form of a widget that you can easily add to your blog, forum, registration form, etc.
  • In addition to protecting your site, reCAPTCHA also helps us digitize old books and newspapers, transcribe street numbers and solve hard AI problems
    PlusCaptcha - Forget the spam, ugly and complicated captchas. The Easiest Captcha to Setup and Execute, with Auto-Setup Feature. An evolution of the protection from bots and people without good intentions. Simple to install, simple to use, security at a click distance
    • Simple to setup, Automatic account generation
    • Size, color, difficulty personalization.
    • Popular All Browsers Support
    • Integrated Form (with shortcode), Comment form, Login form, Lost password form

    Secure & Monetize your site with Solve Media's free CAPTCHA replacement. CAPTCHA is a simple and popular method of securing forms from abuse.
    • Set Solve Media CAPTCHA widget on a registration form, comments form, or any Contact-Form-7 v2.0 or newer.
    • Solve Media CAPTCHA widget is compatible with other anti-spam solutions like Akismet
    • The Solve Media CAPTCHA widget works with nearly 100% of all browsers capabilities
    • Every time a visitor to your site solves a CAPTCHA TYPE-IN™ ad, they share the revenue with you.
      Stop spam and bots with PlayThru, the fun, free CAPTCHA alternative! CAPTCHAs infuriate users, increase drop-off, and ruin your site's user experience. PlayThru is the simple game-based CAPTCHA replacement that people love. It's easy to install and completely free.
      • This plugin works effortlessly on comment, registration, and lost password forms, and is compatible with BuddyPress, Gravity Forms, and Contact Form 7
      • CAPTCHA-related dropoff is five times higher on mobile than on desktop,
      • The PlayThru spam blocker is optimized for touch, so it works beautifully on mobile device
        • Really Simple CAPTCHA does not work alone and is intended to work with other plugins. 
        • It is originally created for Contact Form 7, however, you can use it with your own plugin. 
        • Also it is not strongly secure.
        As you already knew why Captcha using so necessary. So use a Captcha plugin from above and increase your wordpress blog's security. Don't forget to mention what you use or gonna use :)