How to install Wordpress manually with Ftp

How to install wordpress manually with Ftp
We usually install Wordpress with auto installer, one click scripts. Because we think installing Wordpress manually with FTP and without scripts is geeky, hard and time wasting! Well this is not geeky, time wasting or as much as hard you think, probably this is easier than one click Wordpress script installs!! (at least I think) And with installing Wordpress manually you will be able to know How to use Ftp (if you already didn't knew) cause one click scripts and Wordpress multi file uploader makes now days Ftp use oblivion to new users. Also manual install can give you more database protection, so your Wordpress will be stronger and work against easy mysql injection hacks. And will be friendlier to plugins.

How to install Wordpress manually with Ftp

If one click wordpress install takes less than one minute to deliver you wordpress log in screen. Than manual install of wordpress will take less than 10 minutes to deliver you log in screen (also depends on internet speed and your speed!) Read on ,You can also instant start to do it!

First Download Wordpress
manually wordpress installing

First you have to get the wordpress. It packed up nicely at for every one. So go to and download it

Uploading wordpress files to your web server/hosting
To install wordpress manually you need to upload wordpress cms packed up files to your web hosting.
What you can do by two way-
  • Using Ftp
  • Online File manager (it also call secondary Ftp)

Upload wordpress files via Ftp
Ftp is recommended. To use Ftp you will need an ftp account.
  • Go to your web hosting's cPanel > Ftp access, create one account if you didn't created one. 
  • This address should be look like this ( get ftp user name, password and ftp server port.
  • Now get an ftp client for Microsoft windows (Filezilla) for Apple (Cyber Duck) .After install Ftp software(client) authenticate your Ftp account from your computer.

Ftp process-
manually wordpress installing
  • Now extract your zipped wordpress on your computer.
  • In left side if your Ftp client browse where you unzipped wordpress cms on computer.
  • Right side your host files on Public.html like (default.php or index.php) delete them.
  • Now select all wordpress files to upload to (home root >public html)
  • Give it a while to upload


Upload files via Online file manager
Not recommended, because after Wordpress being extract it will unzip a lot number of files (almost 1000+) how you suppose to upload all these files by maintaining sequel. But if you know what you doing, use online file manager (so don't do by file manager, it will be messy)

Create Mysql database for upcoming Wordpress setup
Wordpress created on php and run on mysql. So you need to create a mysql database manually.
  • Go to Cpanel > mysql wizard > add new mysql database >
manually wordpress installing

After database been created, you will get :-
  • A database name
  • A database user name
  • A database host (mysql host), save it

Installing Wordpress
After all files of zipped wordpress got uploaded to web host, Now its time to create wp-config.php file.

You can do it by two ways.
  • 1. Create a wp-config.php file by hand then install
  • 2. Create a wp-config.php file by system

1. Create a wp-config.php file by hand (Extremely recommended)
  • Here Generate wp-config for you link
  • You already uploaded all wordpress files to webhost.
  • Download the file named WP-config-sample.php
  • Change the extension of that file .php to .txt

Now configure it -

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
Under this Just fill these data up with your mysql data
manually wordpress installing
* @since 2.6.0 */
manually wordpress installing

  • Go to this link and copy all then replace all where red mark goes.
  • Save it. And change the extension of the file (.txt to .php)
  • And change the name of the file ( WP-config-sample.php to wp-config.php )
  • Upload this file to webhost via ftp.That's it!

Type your Domain name in address bar, hit enter
manually wordpress installing

  • You will see Welcome and Information requires form. 
  • Now put some Crying need information about who will take care your site as admin, password, mail etc and finalize your wordpress installation by install wordpress. 
  • Log in!

2. Create wp-config.php file by system (really not recommended)
  • In this case just type your Domain name in address bar and hit enter.
  • You will see an error excuse about you don't have any wp-config file (don't scream!) Hit Create a configuration file, default wordpress system will make up a wp-config for you.
manually wordpress installing

  • Then you will see Welcome curtain about table of content. Click lets go!
manually wordpress installing

  • Now type your Mysql database information. Full database name, user name, password, database host and change Table prefix wp_  to any keyword.
manually wordpress installing

  • Hit submit
  • That was the wp-config.php file creation, now wordpress has established into your host and database.
  • Run the installation.
manually wordpress installing
  • Now put required information about who will take care your site as admin, password etc finalize your manual wordpress installation by clicking Install wordpress. 
  • After that You will redirect to your Log in screen.
  • Log in with Id, password and take a look around 

Any trouble or feedback about this tutorial don't forget to mention, Goodluck