Why Blogger blog shows less post entries on Homepage/Index/Archive pages

Why Blogger blog shows less post entries on Homepage/Index/Archive pages
Blogger is one of the most used and powerful blogging platform, we everybody use Blogger for personal and professional blogging. Blogger is extremely customizable in changing themes and enhance with cool widgets.

Blogging with blogger mostly we face a problem the problem is showing few blog article entries per Homepage/Index and archive pages and showing little number of post in search results too.

When I first faced this problem I changed (Setting-Per page post show) found it this system option is not working any more than and I thought it's a problem of my template so I changed template couple of times and after I faced this problem over and over.

Then I started to search about this problem, the information I find out is Google made a optimizing mechanism system called 'Auto pagination', Google did this to make blogger's blogs page load faster and increase pageviews. Also bad news is there is no cure for this. that's means you have to accept it there is no escaping.

What is Auto pagination for blogger

Auto pagination idea came out for Blogger, when Google saw Blogger users suffering a problem that pages takes longer to load and page sizes become heavier and browsing become sluggish. When a visitor browse a website, visitor's web browser download the webpage content (CSS gallery, JavaScript libraries, images etc) to show that website - Blogger's default webpage content delivery system has less control so web browser keep downloading files plus web browser downloads more content than needed, what eat up website browser's bandwidth, page loading timing goes bad and visitor don't get a good satisfaction by visiting your blogger site (nobody likes slow site) pageviews goes down, unnecessary data charge happens.

To under control this problem rule the content delivery system to serve necessary content and make site load faster 'Auto pagination' born. Googledynamically adjust how much content to send to web browser that depending on
  • The amount of HTML on the page being requested (in kb)
  • The number of images on the page
So for Auto pagination system you will not be able to set up how much post entries can be show in per homepage/index/search result/archive pages. Default paginate webpages on Blogger system will set up it, to see more additional post blogger user have to use older post and newer post navigation keys

Tips for dealing with Auto pagination
  • This Auto Pagination Blogger system applies on your blog when your post's content (text, image) crosses total size of 1mb. So try to keep your content size within 1mb.
  • Use Jump break in post composing for creating (read more) option, for so long article use jump break musty
  • Optimize your images, use small size of images and little number of images also use lossless compression in images compress your images at Smush it
If you are a developer
  • Compress your HTML, CSS, JavaScript codes
  • Reduce HTTP requests check you blogger blog at page insight, find out what HTTP requests slowing your site down and optimize them
So optimize your site and have good luck with Blogger & Auto pagination.