Add Google Map widget in your Blogger blog

Add Google Map widget in your Blogger blog
Map is very an important tool for us. The uses of Map are widespread. There is a lot of Blog/website needs to show their physical location for reasons, in that case adding Google Map is the great and only option.

Google Maps is the most effective mapping service available on the internet because
  • Google map service is capable of providing directions to any destination and can even calculate the shortest or the least expensive travel route
  • 3d street views (satellite imagery to provide users with greater detail of the area)
  • The street view is amazingly accurate and precise
  • You can get maps of any driving directions to almost any location around the world (Users can save and print the directions. Step by step instructions makes it easier to travel from one destination to another)
  • Google Maps also Integrated User Reviews (You can quickly get information and opinions about local hotels and restaurants)
  • Plan Routes with Commercial Airline Data and so on.
Adding Google Map in your site is very easy. All you have to is copy below codes, configure and paste into your website’s stylesheet where it will appear. And below How you can add Google Map in your Blogger site explained (Difficulty label is Beginner) The map you are going to add it has
  • 3d street views, normal map, satellite, hybrid or terrain view offers
  • Superb zooming features
  • Almost fast loading
  • Scrollable to any direction

Read on-

Add Google Map widget in your Blogger blog


Google Map widget

Live Demo- (Click here)

Codes for copy-

<!-- map starts-->
<iframe width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=", agrabad,chittagong, bandladesh&layer=tc&t=m&z=10&source=embed&output=svembed"></iframe>
<!-- map ends-->

Another example

<!-- map starts-->
<iframe width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York, NY 10004, USA&layer=tc&t=m&z=18&source=embed&output=svembed"></iframe>
<!— map ends -->

How to add-

In widget area:
  • First log in to your Blogger, select your Blog, 
  • Go to 'Layout' tab then click 'add a gadget'  
  • Select 'html/javascript' from pop up menu. 
  • Copy following codes and configure.
In Post:
    • If you willing to use this map into post, follow this process;
    • When you writing post switch to HTML, from (Compose/HTML) from the right top of post editor
    • Copy following codes and configure.

      How to configure-
      • q= Enter full address here or latitude+longitude e.g. (street name, city, county/state, country)
      • layer= (t = traffic | c = streetview | tc = both) - show map layer type
      • t= (m = normal map | k = satellite | h = hybrid | p = terrain) - Sets the kind of map shown
      • z= (1 - 23) - map zoom level. 23 value indicates fully zoomed in. (default is 18)
      • Width is 300px and height is 300px change with your custom size.
      • Change these with you data, save template. See your map live action.
      For business website's adding a map is very necessary. It can increase your business and customer satisfaction. Visitor quickly understand where they needs to go and what is their position right now. So add Google map to your blogger blog any question, feedback don't forget to mention. Goodluck