Add Print/PDF button on Blogger blogs

Add Print/PDF button on Blogger blogs
Sometime some webpage we enter count as very important, and we want to save that page by printing or PDF. Doing that job instantly we basically use Printfrindly service, A free service what allows to save a webpage as PDF and Print instantly but that take little bit of work to visitors. If your webpage contains some info special you can add print/PDF button to your site very easily and that will increase your visitor engagement. And here in this tutorial I am writing about, How to add Print/PDF button to your Blogger blogs.

Add Print/PDF button on Blogger blogs

Printfrindly offers official button, Below you can see their button generator, Or click this link.

  • In number One step select site type ‘Blogger’
  • In number two step select button ‘style’
  • In number three step customize ‘features’
  • Hit ‘Install on Blogger’ Button. And that will take you to Blogger account-
  • After log in, ‘add page element’ and select ‘Save template’ from ‘Layout’ setting.
The ‘Printfrindly’ button will appear below post with default sharing icons.
    If you don’t want the button below all posts with sharing icons:
    • Then from Button generator, select ‘Website’ > Choose Button > Configure > Get the codes, 
    • Copy those codes and go to your Blogger account > Layout tab > Add a gadget > Paste following codes and Drag and drop ‘widget’ to your suitable place.
    • Save Template.
      This button will appear on extremely modified Templates. 

      For those users Template does not supports/Not appearing ‘Printfrindly’ button,
      • Then from Button generator, select ‘Website’ > Choose Button > Configure > Get the codes, 
      • Copy those codes and go to your Blogger account > Template tab > Search for this line

        <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>

        • You will find this line twice select second one and after that line paste generated code and ‘Save template’
        If Template does not contains that line/button doesn't shows up;
        • Then search </article> and paste code after </article>, ‘Save Template’
          If you don’t want to this widget to appear on Homepage:
          • Then on ‘add page element’ page select ‘Edit Content’ and before all codes copy and paste this line

            <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

            • And below all codes copy and paste this line


            • And hit ‘Add widget’ ...
            How this tutorial working on your Blogger blog don’t forget to mention. New widget and tutorial will be release soon so don’t forget to subscribe. Chill….