Add Weather widget in Blogger

Add Weather widget in Blogger
Sometime on your website (no matter they are personal blogs or business websites) needs to show your weather situation to visitors. In that case for showing weather to visitors you can use weather services like Accuweather, Weather underground. Collect weather information from those services and use the weather info on your site. Also they offer these weather info as widget. 
  • Which you can easily add on your site,
  • These widget designed to show frequently update of weather,
  • These widgets are Capable of showing weather of visitors,
  • As well as offers satisfiable background and sizes.

Let's see how these weather widget looks like, how to configure and add to your blogger blog.

Add Weather widget in Blogger

Add weather widget in Blogger
Accuweather offer free and premium weather service all over the world. Accweather weather widget offers:
  • 3 different of widget style
  • 4 different of widget size
  • Dynamic background
  • Current weather conditions
  • Responsive layout fits any size
  • Well suited for mobile websites
  • Choose between Your weather or visitor's location weather
  • Select your widget style,
  • Define which location weather to display,
  • Choose the size of widget,
  • Define unit (C/F)

Mark (I agree to the terms and condition) and hit 'Grab the code'

Copy those codes and:
  • Log in to your Blogger, Select your Blog,
  • Go to 'Layout' tab then click 'add a gadget’
  • Select 'html/javascript' from pop up menu. Copy following codes and ‘Save gadget'

Weather underground 
Add weather widget in Blogger

Weather underground is a powerful worldwide weather predict service. Weather underground's widget offers:
  • Wide choice of style
  • Static background
  • Capable of showing both unit (C/F)
  • Shows only your location weather

How to get this weather widget
  • Input your Location (type your location in field)
  • Select the Weather Station Source (Automatic)
  • Define unit preference (C/F/Both)
  • Select a widget and configure as well
  • Click on configured widget and copy the code 
and :-
  • Log in to your Blogger, Select your Blog,
  • Go to 'Layout' tab then click 'add a gadget’
  • Select 'html/javascript' from pop up menu. 
  • Copy following codes and ‘Save gadget'

    You may delete this line (If you don't want to give them backlink.)

    <a href="" title="Get latest Weather Forecast updates" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px" target="_blank">Click for weather forecast</a>

    Weather widget is a very useful widget for commercial sites, so choose what kind of weather widget you want to use on your site and add 'em. Goodluck...